Sunday, May 8, 2011

- Short ride to the snowline

It did turn out to be a perfect Saturday ride. ADVrider's 'Turnenem' and I planned on a 9AM meetup, but after listening to the rain downpour from 5AM - 7AM, I figured we'd have to bag it. An hour later, the sky opened up and the birds began to sing (as they say in the movies). More importantly, the radar indicated the rain was over.

We met up at 9AM on Grizzly Gulch and headed southbound. The roads were perfect; tacky and no dust. Followed Grizzly Gulch to Lump Gulch to Corral Gulch. The observant will, by now, have realized we have no shortage of Gulches around here...and that's the way we like it.

We hit the snowline right by the Park Lake turnoff. Many of the high mountain trails won't be be snow-free until June or later. We then headed back East on Lump Gulch Rd. to Sheep Mountain and played on the trails there for a bit. Again, trails were perfect due to the rain and now drying out, but still tacky. Sun was shining, a great morning ride, and home by noon.

The mighty minis did their thing. More fun per cubic centimeter than you can throw a stick at. The steeds for the day: DR200 and WR250R.

Turnenem mugging for the camera.


  1. Sounds like a fun day!

    I noticed you added a link to my blog on the right. i returned the favor.

  2. Thanks, Chris. I'm slowly building out this blog using some ideas from your website ( and others, to make it a bit more user friendly and easy to find things.

  3. I'm flattered you think mine is worth copying! =D The social media icons looks familiar too. Your site is coming together nicely!
